Thursday, February 7, 2008

Not sure whether this must be termed as the best film directed by David Lynch.

Mulholland Drive (2001) directed by David Lynch

In any manner whatsoever,I don't want to offend any of the admirers of David Lynch who are present all over the world.However I would like to mention that I purchased a DVD of this film in order to fathom what made it so famous that it won the best foreign language film at the French Cesar awards ceremony. However my first viewing session of this film was deceptive as it left me numb and I could not make head nor tail of this film.As in the past I had seen only one film from our American master in question called "The Elephant Man" and as I was not much too satisfied with the film,my expectations with Mullholland Drive were high and sorry to say unfortunately they came to a cropper. First of all I found it hard to understand why so many events were happening and that too in quick succession.There was no coherence and it appeared to me that the innocent viewers were bombarded with a volley of jumbled scenes.Yeah it is a good thing that some of those scenes were shrouded into mystery while some were suffused with sensuality.So thanks to these elements I was able to contend myself with this film. The two leading actress are worth mentioning as their coming together might be a healing for some haplessly sore eyes.

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