Monday, January 7, 2008

Leos Carax : master of visual poetry.

Les Amants du Pont-Neuf (1991) directed by Leos Carax

Leos Carax is not a conventional cineaste.His films are a fascinating confirmation of his splendid strength of mind.Les Amants du Pont Neuf was declared mythical by the media even before it had been shot.The film is one of the most beautiful,tender,touching love stories to have emerged from the realm of French cinema.The film also shows the plight of homeless people in a positive light.It has tackled this burning issue in practically documentary fashion.Carax has created a love story in difficult,tough,unusual circumstances.Pont-Neuf denotes evasion for outsiders like Alex,Hans and Michele as it helps them to stay away from daily triteness.It is a dwelling which allows them to live their lives fully:Michele as a painter,Alex as a fire eater.

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