Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Real life story of a great woman film maker.

Kisvilma - Az utolsó napló (2000) directed by Meszaros Marta
Those who follow developments of East European cinema will surely know the importance of Marta Meszaros not only for Hungarian cinema but also for World cinema.She is one of the leading woman film makers in world who has made challenging films about women,their destinies,life of ordinary people under totalitarian regimes like Hungary and Russia. This is the last film directed by Marta Meszaros which constituted her diary trilogy.Kisvilma is the sad story of Marta Meszaros'childhood for which she chose her real life grand daughter Cleo Ladanyi.Cinema is like a family affair for Marta Meszaros as her son Nyika Jancso is also the film's director of photography.This film is about a personal loss in the form of a tragedy which upset the film maker when she was young.The film is a grim reminder of horrible days under Stalinist period when several innocent people were persecuted for no fault.A good film which allow people to know how people in Europe were tortured before second world war by dictators and authoritarian regimes.

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